Historic Autographs Forum Code of Conduct
To provide a space for interaction in the community that knows and loves Historic Autographs products.
Be respectful and considerate of everybody’s opinions & contributions even if they differ from yours. Disagreeing with an idea is acceptable but attacking people is not.
Topics should be relevant to Historic Autographs and should stay on point. Posting links should be relevant to the topic and not for self-promotion. Don’t risk your personal security and privacy by sharing sensitive personal information.
We will not allow offensive, abusive, or threatening language, even as a joke. Be mindful of what you post and how it might be perceived. Bullying and discrimination make people feel unwelcome and unsafe and are not allowed. Spam and malware are not allowed; what you post must make a positive contribution to the discussion. If you are ever uncomfortable with posts you see here on the forum, please email us and we will respond.
You must be 13 or older to participate in the Historic Autographs forum.
Violations of this policy will result in deletion of the offensive comment thread and/or account deletion.